Saturday, February 26, 2011

Drawing for first Movie Ghoul's Cult Cinema Reviews

Hi here is my latest drawing for my first review of the 1959 B-movie Terror Is A Man/ Blood Creature, which is a low budget rip off of the H.G Welles story  The Island Of Dr.Moreau . This movie has a ridiculous looking Panther man and all the charms of a B-grade monster movie.

Note the Image was drawn with Pencil , Coloured Pencil, Charcoal, Black Biro & Red Biro.
So below is this illustration of  the first Title card of my first Movie Ghoul Review (which is still to be posted).

By the Movie Ghoul 27/02/2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Drawings Of My Ratings and Proflie pic prt 2

Here is the next part of my drawings of my rating for my MOVIE GHOULS CULT CINEMA REVIEWS.  So here is numbers 3 to 5, the media for the  ratings is a mixture of pencil , Coloured pencil and Black Biro


This is my profile picture and the media is a mixture of Pencil , Coloured Pencil , Black Biro, Coloured Card and Correction Fluid

Thats all for now

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Drawings of my ratings and profile pict prt 1

To start of this section of my artwork here is a few of the images i have drawn for my review section (where i rate Cult moives on a sacle of 0 to 5 and if one film is so bad it dosen't even get a rating at all) so below is a small chunk of my ratings ranging form no rating to 2 & 1/2, the next lot will be posted in a while....
so enjoy these images for the time being